Camera-Ready Submission Instructions
The Camera-Ready upload process has begun for Broadnets 2008.
We encourage authors to carefully follow the indications provided by reviewers; all camera-ready papers will be examined by the Technical Program Chair, who holds the right to exclude papers from the proceedings if they do not adequately comply with the requested modifications. The quality of the final proceedings depends on the effort of each author to refine his/her accepted paper(s).
Please follow the steps described in the following to ensure that your paper is correctly included in the final conference proceedings CD. Please note that:
- Camera-ready papers should be uploaded at the ICST Conference Management Center (CMC), NOT at EasyChair.
- All three items: the camera-ready paper, one full registration, and a copyright form, are all required in order to include an accepted paper in the conference proceedings.
- The hard deadline for registration is June 20, 2008.
- The hard deadline for uploading camera-ready paper and copyright form is June 27, 2008.
If you have not fulfilled every requirement, your paper will not be included in the final proceedings. For this reason, we kindly encourage to accomplish every requirement before the specified deadlines, in order to give us the time to check if all requirements have been met and incase additional refinements are required. Please kindly meet these deadlines.
- Camera-Ready papers should be uploaded into the ICST CMC
(Conference Management Center) at . Your login will be sent to you after notification.
- Once logged in, select the conference/workshop you wish to upload a Camera-Ready paper for.
- The upload procedure consists of three steps:
1) Fill out ALL information for your paper (title, abstract, and keywords);
2) Then include all co-authors of your paper (first name, last name, affiliation and email address) and please be sure to double-check for errors before submission;
3) Upload your camera-ready paper (PDF is the only supported file format).
- Please visit
- Please register for the conference. PLEASE NOTE, that AT LEAST 1 AUTHOR for each accepted paper must register at full rate (non-student), in order for the paper to be included at the conference and on the Proceedings CD. Each registration covers up to TWO papers in main conference or workshops (as long as the registrant is the common author of all accepted papers).
- Regular and invited papers are allowed up to 8 pages with no additional charges; please, remember to specify if you require additional pages (at most 2 extra pages).
- Please make sure to enter the title and ID number of your paper from CMC.
Copyright forms are to be submitted via email (preferred) or fax. You can download the copyright form here:
Please send the complete and signed form back no later than June 27, 2008 to:
Dr. Arunita Jaekel
Email: [preferred]
Fax: (519)973-7093
- Formatting guidelines can be found at
- In addition, IEEE requires
- all fonts MUST be embedded within PDF file (this requirement is crucial)
- the PDF file should have thumbnails and should be optimized for fast web viewing
Thanks to your active participation, we succeeded in putting together an excellent program with a very high technical quality. Looking forward to meeting you in London in September!